Furloughed gross pay calculator
Keeping up with the recent COVID-19 regulations is a challenge for many businesses at the moment. The Government’s ‘Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme’ that allows employers to reimburse 80% of furloughed workers’ wage costs is welcomed but not seen as an easy feat.
With limited guidance by HMRC and lack of clarity on changes required in payroll software, an increasing number of businesses are turning to accountants to help them navigate through these uncertain times.
To make the accountants’ job easier, we at Stellaripe have created a calculator to derive “Furloughed pay” in a matter of minutes. By downloading this resource, you can compute any employee’s furloughed gross pay or pre-tax/NI pay. Get it now!
Please note, we have taken extreme care while formulating the calculator but please review HMRC guidance for further details or contact us.